
The year is almost halfway over!

What a great year for Tulsans! And it is almost halfway over! Be sure to stay tuned for more great linkage on TheTulsan.com! We only bring you the most important linkage in the world, and it is SWEEEEET for great smart devices like the iPhone, Palms, and Android devices! It is MURDER on most other non-'smart' devices. Sorry bout that! All the pages have been revamped - for the most part! - and linkages confirmed. Frankly, TheTulsan.com is one of the best websites we have ever seen, and it is all for YOU, lucky Tulsan!

Oh! Almost forgot! Be sure to listen to the Alex Jones Show and check out infowars.com and prisonplanet.com everyday! We listen to the show by calling 512-646-5000, streaming it via the flash player on TheTulsan.com's front page, by downloading the podcast (listening it on 2x speed is a riot!), or streaming the podcast. This is NOT easy listening. Expecting your family to understand the broadcast is like watching the season finale of 'Blood and Sand' on a first date with someone from youth group!

We will keep posting over at YouTube and Flickr, but do not look for tweets or Facebookage any time soon! Stay golden, Tulsan!


Wow! A 'blog' Update!!

No way! 2010 is HALFWAY OVER and this is only the second blog entry for the year? Incredible! But it is good to know that your internet pal, TheTulsan.com, is always there for you, you lucky lucky person! More kewl linkage than ever, y'know! Thetulsan.com is the best internet site in the world. Really it is!

Well Tulsan I better get off of here, mucho browsing to do!


A shiny New Year!

2010? Wow! And not a single blog entry or tweet or facespace update! Just some dinking around on TheTulsan.com! Awesome! But not as awesome as the realization that getting back onto the web in a dynamic way is going to take dedication, discipline, and determination. All that prime real estate for editing - primarily just before the work day and in the evening - has been eaten up with child raising, dog training, and any number of compelling television shows. So, we will see what my resolve for 2010 will bring. Hopefully this will be a shiny new look for TheTulsan.com, new features, and a growing readership. The deconstruction is compleat. Let the game begin.


Oh, yeah, it SNOWED!

Which means, we should all read Loren Eiseley's 'The Snowstorm'! Here you go, Tulsan:

'It is the first and last snows - especially the last -
that blind us most,' Thoreau once said, and I wonder
what he possibly could have been thinking since snow
is always with us and keeps falling
in its proper season,
the generations accepting it without first or last
save perhaps this:
There is a single snow which a child
stores in his memory, the first
snow when he falls in a drift, the first
snow that reveals secrets
like the flake on his sleeve
always to be remembered because it brought
knowledge of crystalline perfection, infinite diversity to be tested
with his own salt tears,
the immeasurable prodigality
of the universal worlds in which we are lost,
the first and blinding snow of childhood.
The view from the farm window, the last,
with the black guest
waiting at the door
and outside
falling and falling
across corn shocks
wheat stubble
the whiteness of the void. Lucretius must so have seen his atoms,
out of them a world. A wind whipped the flakes aside, perhaps,
a snow flurry that conceived
a farmhouse kitchen
and a stove,
made fields,
made animals,
made men.
Look, can you say I am not composed of snowflakes?
My eyes are filled with them.
They are falling faster now.
Suppose I go
outside and join them.
Could you say that I
was ever here? No, no. The first blindness is to see the ultimate minute perfection.
That is the illusion of the water drop.
The second is to believe
the black guest at the door.
My friend,
there is only the blindness of a million years of snowfall,
and you and I
wraiths, wraiths, discoursing as we fall.
Do not bother to throw up the window,
snow is already blowing
the room is disassembled,
our substance,
the room's substance, is snowflakes;
we are falling apart now,
we have re-entered
the eternal storm.'


The Secret Hex Code

THIS IS THE SECRET CODE! At long last the long-lost colour scheme to TheTulsan.com! REVEALED!


Where only the name of The Feast remains . . .

Another Tulsan tradition: 'stealing' Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer's wonderful collection of Christmas homilies and scripture as compiled in his book 'O Holy Night.' Well, here it is. From the intro
"I don't have to tell you how greatly I long for freedom, and for all of you. But for decades you gave us such incomparably beautiful Christmases that my grateful memory of them is strong enough to outshine even this rather dark one. It is times like these that show what it really means to have a past and an inner legacy independent of the change of times and conditions. The awareness of being borne up by a spiritual tradition that lasts for decades gives one a strong sense of security in the face of all transitory distress . . .

"From the Christian point of view, spending Christmas in a prison doesn't pose any special problem. Most likely, a more meaningful and authentic Christmas is celebrated here by many people than in places where only the name of the feast remains. Misery, pain, poverty, loneliness, helplessness, and guilt have an altogether different meaning in God's eyes than in the judgment of men. God turns toward the very places from which humans tend to turn away. Christ was born in a stable because there was no room for him at the inn: A prisoner can understand all this better than other people. It's truly good news for him; in believing it, he knows he has been made a part of the Christian community that breaks down all spatial and temporal frontiers, and the walls of prison lose their meaning."

Amen, and amen.