Not THIS Tulsan mentioned on KRMG
So a few people (three or four depending on how one counts 'em) have mentioned they heard 'TheTulsan.com's' funny re:Britney Spears referenced on KRMG. Well, needless to say that was not yours truly given the ol' hat tip, propably the irritated tulsan blog (oh YOU go look it up!). Frankly, TheTulsan.com could reveal the whereabouts of Bin Laden, publish the formula for cold fusion, AND begin picking the winning Lotto numbers for the next year and the local media would STILL refuse to acknowledge TheTulsan.com. We have no earthly idea what we ever said or did that was sooooo bad to be black-balled, but will gladly take the mantle on as Tulsa's Most Dangerous Person. TheTulsan.com has been in idle for a couple of years, really, but is gearing up for the fight once again. What did Ghandi say? 'First they ignore you, then they ridicule you, then they fight you, then you win!' Word!